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关于压力的英语对话 A:How do you deal with pressure? B:From the personal perspective,I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening,it's a great stress reducer. A:你...所属专辑:和Emily一起练口语(附中英双语字幕) 声音简介 Could you tell me how todeal with/handlethestress? 你能告诉我如何缓解压力吗? The boy hasfelt the...

1、Coping with Stress缓解压力生活英语情景对话以下是小编给大家整理的关于Coping with Stress缓解压力生活英语情景对话, 希望可以帮到大家Dialogue情景对话1N: How come youre st...凯撒大帝从来没有使用过马桶,秦始皇从来没有使用过手机,但是并不代表他们比我们笨,而这些出名的领导者正是因为他们能承受常人无法承担的压力而闻名于世。压力...

≥0≤ 有关压力的英语口语对话 篇一 Smith: Tell me about your ability of working under pressure. 史密斯:跟我说下你在压力下工作的能力。 Li Tian: I think I work well with pressure.【压力的英语口语】 情景对话: A: I've been so stressed out lately. I feel like my hair'sfalling out. B: Same here. I can't wait for finals to be over...

我想我只能靠我自己了。现在我只需要一个可以说话的人,让我缓解一下压力。 A:I know your feeling. Take it easy. 我理解你的感受,放轻松点。以下是小编给大家整理的关于 Coping with Stress 缓解压力生活英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 Dialogue 情景对话1 N: How come you're still up? Shouldn't yo...